Sunday 5 January 2014

Zero Dark Thirty - Film.

Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
Director: Kathryn Bigelow
Starring: Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Chris Pratt

Zero Dark Thirty has been sitting on my Hard Drive for about two years now. In fact, I don't know how I'm going to cope considering it's unwatched state was the one constant in my life. The only benefit I can think of is that I ended up watching a pretty good film.

You don't really need to be told what ZDT is all about do you? I will anyway, it's about the manhunt for Osama Bin Laden and eventually, the killing of OBL. Bigelow and writer Boal create a tense, interesting film and at times, pretty uncomfortable one. However, I couldn't at times help but be a little bored?

I kept comparing it to Hurt Locker and kept feeling just not as enthralled, just not as on the edge of my seat* as I was watching Renner donning a massive bombproof suit. I put it down to watching it two years later when all the details are much more common knowledge, something that I therefore blame on procrastination.

One thing that does stand the test of time are the performances, Chastain is fantastic as a no-holds barred, ass-kicking CIA analyst, who will stop at nothing to get Bin Laden. To be honest, I was more rooting for Bin Laden's capture for her rather than anything else. It's also nice to see Mark Strong playing a good guy for once. I did worry he was going to turn out to be a double agent, or at least the bad guy from Robin Hood again.

ZDT is still worth a watch, but I think it's lost some of its impact a couple of years on from release.

*I was in bed, but that doesn't sound as good.

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