Thursday 23 January 2014

Stoker - Film.

Stoker (2013)
Director: Park-Chan Wook
Starring: Nicole Kidman,  Mia Wasikowska, Matthew Goode.

Stoker is an interesting film for a number of reasons, the main two are behind the camera. Firstly, it's Park-Chan Wooks first english-language film. He's already incredibly well established with South-Korean films like Oldboy and I Saw the Devil. Secondly, the writer behind Stoker is none other than Wentworth Miller. He wrote it under a pseudonym whilst we was breaking out of prison and it was only a couple of years ago that it was picked up by Park-Chan Wook.

Now, back to what's in front of the camera. Stoker is an intriguing film that has stellar performances from the 3 leads. It maintains a tense atmosphere throughout and features some well-done twists and turns scattered throughout. It's got some lovely imagery and Park-Chan Wook brings a lot of beauty with a gothic look.

My only real problem with Stoker is something of an immature ending. It feels a little brutal and pointless. It ruins any sort of mystery I could have about the characters after the credits have rolled. It turned Stoker from a film that could have perhaps lingered in my mind into just a pretty intriguing thriller.

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