Friday 3 January 2014

DLC Double: Enter the Dominatrix & How the Saints saved Christmas.

Saints Row IV - DLC (2013)
Developer: Volition
Platform: PC

Saints Row IV was one of my favourite games of last year. It was fun, it was funny and more importantly, it was a video game. A god damn video game. However, due to past bad, very bad, experiences with Saints Row DLC I'd held off on playing these two until they were reasonable. Thankfully, it paid off and I had fun with the two packs of DLC.

Enter the Dominatrix

ETD was originally meant to be DLC for Saints Row the Third but was famously expanded and changed into Saints Row IV. ETD is akin to a mockumentary, it features a select scenes from the DLC with the characters talking about their involvement as well as some scenes playing out via storyboards.

On paper it should be perfect however, it's actually a little weak. The humour only hits occasionally and everything that would have been super fun about ETD I'd done already in SR4. There is however one thing that saves it, and it's the ending. That god damn ending. Everything falls into place it's funny, bizarre and most importantly, it's fucking Saints Row.

How the Saints saved Christmas

Despite the perfect premise of the Boss re-discovering his christmas cheer whilst defeating a "god-tyrant" Clawz, I wasn't too excited for this. Considering ETD had been only average, I wasn't expecting much. I was surprised then that Saved turned out to be a lot, lot better than ETD. It featured the holiday season with the trademark SR craziness which is all I could have asked for. Christmas dubstep, licking a candy cane to open a door and blowing up naughty kids houses with coal.

Despite the fun I had with the bulk of the gameplay in Saved, I most enjoyed the ending montage of the saints doing christmassy things. Mainly because it was actually a pretty bitter sweet moment. I'm not normally a festive guy, and considering it's the 3rd of Jan, it was weird to feel slightly fuzzy inside.


I managed to grab the season pass for £3 when it was on sale, however, I wouldn't have felt too terrible picking it up at full price. Both of the packs have their moments and are way above the drivel that was the SR3 DLC.

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