Friday 10 January 2014

The Butler - Film.

The Butler (2013)
Director: Lee Daniels
Starring: Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, David Oyelowo

The Butler is a solid if pretty unremarkable film that is carried by a strong Whitaker performance. Despite a serious subject nature, it's a relatively light watch and perhaps suffers from one too many cameos.

At times The Butler feels like something of a conveyor belt of actors appearing as famous political figures. You're almost waiting with bated breath to see which star will turn up in pretty bad make-up as a president. When the film is out of the white house it's at its strongest.

As mentioned Whitaker is great. Having a disarming charm and being instantly likable. Winfrey also has a good turn as an alcoholic turned sober wife who has to deal with a husband serving in the white house and a son who is fighting for basic human rights. David Oyelowo is great as Louis Gaines, a man who transforms many times trying to fight for his rights. The only problem is that it all seems a little too convenient and maybe a little forced that his involved with literally every major historical event.

There are many big names in The Butler and it's difficult to talk about them all. Nobody really sticks out as bad, except maybe John Cusacks prosthetic nose, everyone plays their part well. At times it falls into the oscar bait catagory, but overall it manages to remain an interesting if at times uncomfortable watch.

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