Monday 6 January 2014

Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Missing Link - Game

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link (2011)
Developer: Eidos Montreal
Platform: PC

Human Revolution was a great game. It pulled off the rare feat of allowing you to play how you want to and balancing the play styles really well. I was looking forward to getting stuck into Missing Link, sadly it's no where near the quality of HR and really, it's just not very good.

Like I mentioned what made HR so good is that I could pick and choose how I wanted to approach a situation. Did I want to sneak about? Shoot up some dudes? Stun them? WHO CARES IT WAS UP TO ME. It was therefore pretty saddening when the opening forced stealth upon me. I'm dreadful at anything but light stealth elements so the entire opening hour was a dull and painful trial and error.

The lack of enjoyment in actually playing the game was matched by the look of it. HR had a lot of really varied and beautiful environments, TML foregoes that with grey corridors, grey buildings and grey grey. It barely picks up when you do get your gear, instead just featuring more bland corridors with the odd vent to get lost in.

The Missing Link, is a pretty unfun 4 - 5 hours of content. It features nothing that made Human Revolution the great experience it was and I really wish I had just left this gathering virtual dust.

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