Friday 3 January 2014

American Hustle - Film.

American Hustle (2013)
Director: David O'Russell
Starring: Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner, Christian Bale, Jennifer Lawrence.

American Hustle has been gathering quite a bit a buzz lately and after seeing it, I can't entirely agree with all of the praise.

The performances in Hustle are all pretty good. The novelty of seeing Bale going from Batman to fat man never quite wears off and he plays con man down to a tee. Cooper plays drug addled cop pretty damn well but more impressive is that he actually does pull off the hair. Renner stands out as being particularly dull especially when put next to the energy and larger than life performances of the rest of the cast.

Hustle is a fun watch but that's it. It's incredibly messy throughout. Often veering into incoherent non-sensical land a few times. However, there is a certain amount of infectious energy from the cast that kind of drags you along for the ride, whether you can tell where you're going or not.

The big "pay off" or "fake out" is also entirely underwhelming and left me feeling a bit deflated coming out of the cinema. In fact the more I think about it, the less I can remember about Hustle. Everything but Coopers hair is slowly fading away.

Worth a watch though.

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