Tuesday 3 May 2016

News Round Up

News Round Up: 03/05/2016

Dishonoured 2 gets a release date

Dishonoured 2 or if you want to spell it completely wrong "Dishonored 2" has been given a release date of 11th November 2016. For you American readers (of which there are none because it's just me on here) that's November 11th 2016. Fingers crossed Trump can fix the way you handle dates. 

Dishonoured never really clicked for me so I'm excited for November to be the month I just talk loudly about how good Infinite Warfare is.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III Announced

How many times will war dawn? It's been 3 times now and it's seriously getting a bit much. We only had two world wars and that was more than enough. Maybe they should change the name "Warhammer" as it's apparent it's helping nobody out. 

Anyway, Dawn of War III is now a game that definitely exists. It'll be PC-Exclusive and released sometime in 2017. 

Modern Warfare Remaster won't be sold separately

In an FAQ for Infinite Warfare Activision have confirmed that the remaster of "Modern Warfare: All Ghillied up is all I care about" won't be sold separately. This is a bold, big bastard of a move and one I love. Make everyone buy your game whether they want Space War Bastard or not. 

It's also most likely going to turn out to be a lie but here's hoping. 

New Releases

Battleborn (Gearbox) PC, PS4, Xbox One. 

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