Tuesday 3 May 2016

Captain America: Civil War - Film

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Directors: Joe and Anthony Russo
Starring: Most people
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3498820/

Civil War is an incredible film. I can't put it any other way. Not only does it work as the beginning of Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it also works as the final act of the Captain America trilogy. Whether we get a 4th is up to to men wearing suits worth more than me. 

Winter Soldier was a heroic Marvel debut from the Russo Brothers. They were able to tell a brilliant and personal story within a universe full of aliens and Robert Downey Jrs somewhat dubious facial hair. With Civil War however, they've completely one-upped themselves. It brings together the very focused nature of Winter Soldier as well as the bombast of the Avengers films all in a very breezy two and a half hours. 

As well as some of the best action the MCU has seen, Civil War features some of the best performances too. Everyone puts in a solid shift but it's newcomers steal the show. Chadwick Boseman as the wonderfully regal T'Challa aka Black Panther, I almost felt I should have bowed every time he showed up on screen. Tom Holland also excels as Spiderman. In what will probably be a largely thankless rule, Bruhl plays cold and calculating expertly. He also further cements his status as King of Accents.

With everything Winter Soldier had to do it could have absolutely crumbled into incoherency ala Marthaman vs Marthaman: Dawn of Martha. However it does the exact opposite. It weaves between closure for character arcs and world building with aplomb leaving the MCU perfectly poised for the future 283 Marvel films. 

Despite my love for Civil War, I think it's a good indication of whether you're in or you're out with the MCU. I can't see it converting many people to the cause and will only really work on it's many levels if you're invested in the universe. Guardians of the Galaxy this certainly isn't. 

Marvel have been on an upward swing of quality with the MCU films and Civil War is absolutely the peak of that. It'll be interesting to see if Dr. Strange will be good or just Dr. Lame-nge (?) but going off Civil War, Marvel have got this down to a fine science and if the films remain of this quality they can crank them out till I die, which will be soon I hope. 

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